
I’d never really been one for photography. When I saw a beautiful sight, my first reaction was never “Let’s take a picture of that!”

But when I was handed an amazing camera and encapsulated by the never ending panoramic view of forests, ice, ocean, city lights, fireworks, people, and sunlight that was life, I couldn’t not take pictures–too much beauty was to be captured.

So I started to take pictures. When the moment was opportune, I would grab my camera and look for the right angles, the right lighting, the right subjects. My friends were thoroughly annoyed at my incessant adjusting and moving around to get the perfect shot.

And I didn’t even get the perfect shot. I’m an amateur–no, less than that. All I have is an amazing camera and the never ending panoramic view that is life. I still don’t have the photographic eye, or whatever it is that it takes to capture the feeling and blessing that a moment carries.

I’m working on it though.

(Picture taken in Tromso, Norway, Dec. 31, 2012 by yours truly)

It took me about 20 shots to get this one right, and not even perfect so. It was about -20 degrees outside due to the cold nature of Norway and the wind chill. But I saw the moon reflecting on the sound and realized that if there was ever a moment to take notice and capture something, it was this one. This was an experience I probably wouldn’t encounter for a while–a bright white moon shining down in the everlasting darkness that is winter in the north pole on New Year’s eve, as I walked down the shore through the town. 

random happenings

An eye on reflections


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